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How to Reset Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet?

If amazon kindle fire tablet doesn't work or isn't working, it doesn't always mean it's broken or damaged. Sometimes the operating system is stuck between processing and seems to be dead but actually, it's on and not just showing the screen.

If you are looking for more information about amazon fire tv then you can check out various online resources. To make it work, you must follow these steps.

Image result for How to Reset Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet?

Image Source: Google

-Hold the power button for more than 20 seconds and release it.

-After a few seconds, press the power button once to turn it on.

-If this doesn't work, try holding the button for 30 seconds or more.

-Doing this will turn on the tablet.

If you haven't used the device in a long time, the battery might be completely empty. Here, you need to fully charge the battery to keep the tablet turned off. After full only then turn it on and enjoy using it.

If you are charging the tablet and it is not charged, you can try another cable to check whether the problem is with the tablet or the charging cable. If you are charging it for a PC or laptop, try plugging the charging cable into another port, this will tell you the root of the problem. Once you find a problem, you can solve it by following one of the solutions mentioned above.