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A Brief History Of Velux Blinds

The first Velux roof window ever made is installed in a Danish school. Velux name comes from the word Ventilation and Lux, the latter being the Latin word for light. Click here now to know more about velux blinds.

Almost seventy years later the company has grown to become a leading international manufacturer Velux roof window and the word has become a generic term for roof windows and Velux blinds have become as well-known as its own window.

The company is now not only provide a clear solution difficulties roof light, but offers a variety of different shapes and sizes for windows that allows architects to create a design statement that is positive in various projects.

It has long been known that sunlight has health benefits and a positive psychological and concepts of space and light has energy-saving benefits are well documented.

In the American study has shown that exposure to light spectrum results in a better mood, increased presence in the workplace, dental health, and increased levels of concentration, and Velux roof windows have contributed to the welfare of everyday life of many people.

Although Velux provide various kinds of standard roof windows and skylights, along with solutions for flat roofs etc. The company is famous for its sloping roof and window blinds.