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All About Concrete Crack Repair

Repairing of concrete cracks is a booming business in the market today. 99 percent of the buildings which are built in this age make use of concrete in its various parts. They are used in the basement, pillars, ceilings, etc. They are a must-have structure in the case of structures like swimming pools, parking decks, building foundations, and other unique structures like the sea wall, etc.

The formation of cracks is a common thing in these structures. In such cases, we can repair those cracks with some methods which will hold the structure strong and rigid.

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Bridge Deck Application

The cracks are mainly filled with a liquid polymer which will harden as time passes. The methods used for applying this polymer will vary according to the involving structure. Normal concrete up to 16 inches thick can make use of low-pressure injection of liquid polymer for filling the formed cracks.

But for bigger structures like dams and bridges, we should be using high-pressure methods. Usually, the cracks formed in such structures will be long and deep ones.

Cracks in the concrete structures are actually formed in the initial stages of its construction. At that time, it will be tiny and will go unnoticed. But eventually, the crack widens and it will threaten the stability of the whole structure. If a little more care is put in the methods of building, the cracks can be avoided from forming. For concrete structures, we should be providing enough joints for allowing the drying shrinkage.