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Cbd Cigarettes: A New Way To Quit Smoking In Langley

Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, has many potential benefits. Studies have shown that CBD may relieve anxiety, reduce pain, decrease excessive inflammation, and offer neuroprotective qualities, among other things.

As more research is done on CBD, we are learning more about what CBD can do, including the potential to help people quit smoking. Several recent studies have shown that the effects of CBD can help smokers quit smoking. You can also call us now to know more about CBD.

This has led to an increase in the number of CBD products on the market for smokers trying to quit, including CBD cigarettes. But can CBD cigarettes or other CBD products really help you quit smoking?

Let's take a closer look at CBD cigarettes and what current research has to say about using CBD as a smoking cessation tool.

CBD cigarettes, also known as hemp cigarettes, are cigarettes filled with hemp, not tobacco. The cannabis plant is high in CBD but contains little or no tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the cannabinoid in marijuana that is responsible for its psychoactive effects.

This means that hemp cigarettes offer plenty of CBD without being intoxicating. Keep in mind that hemp doesn't contain nicotine either, so CBD hemp cigarettes don't contain nicotine.

Some say that CBD cigarettes can help smokers quit by providing a nicotine-free substitute that looks and tastes like regular cigarettes.

It can certainly help someone trying to quit smoking, but research shows that the CBD in cigarettes can help smokers quit smoking in a variety of other ways as well. There is evidence that CBD can reduce cigarette signaling, reduce nicotine cravings, and reduce some addictive behaviors.