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Direct Fed Microbial Products (DFM)

Live organisms as deemed by the DFM (also known as Direct-Fed Microorganisms ) are probiotics, a living organism. These probiotics are administered orally, and can be fluid. 

The positive result from using Probiotics shows results in the enteral flora, dogs intestines, which is actually where many alternative bacterium types live. For more information about direct fed microbials you can visit

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The intake of a good bacterium which provides for easy absorbs.Another benefit is keeping the animals free from bad bacteria like Salmonella and Escherichia coli.

The final reason is that Probiotics for pets can supercharge the immune system and increase the antibody levels. This will help your pet's activity stay high and the white blood count as well.

Total-Biotics for the animals. Total-Biotics contains different strains of the sound bacterium as well as prebiotics and glutamine. It is sold as a dry powder that is easy to use.

Nature's way Daily MSE (Multiple Stabilized Enzymes) is a company with a total plan to help your dog's digestive system. Also sold as dry powder this contains numerous strains of yeast, fungi and bacteria. Also protease, lipase, amylase, lactase, cellulose, glucose, maltase and phytase.

Fastrack Canine Microbial Supplement for your pet. You can sprinkle this product over dry or wet dog food and what it does is helps the digestive system of your pet. All the bacteria aforementioned will be minimized and reduced. Also, no side effects at all were noted with this product.