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Essential Digital Skills For Successful Developers

Digital skills are required for software developers to succeed in their roles. In this blog article, we'll look into essential soft skills every developer needs.

What are Essential Digital/Soft Skills for Successful Developers?

As a developer, you will need to have strong digital skills to succeed. Here are essential digital skills that every developer should have:

1. Critical thinking and problem solving: As a developer, you need to be able to think critically and solve problems. You need to be able to figure out solutions to complex problems, and you need to be able to find solutions for new problems that you encounter.

2. Computer programming: As a developer, you need to be able to write computer programs. You need to know how to use the different programming languages, and you need to be able to create sophisticated software applications.

3. Web development: As a developer, you will likely be involved in web development at some point in your career. You need to know how to design and build websites using various web development technologies.

4. Database administration: As a developer, you will often need to administer databases. You need to know how to use the different database management technologies, and you need to be able to troubleshoot database issues.