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Facts About Stomach Cancer

Stomach is the body part that handles all functions in the body. Growth in other parts also depends on the stomach because the first food passes to the stomach and then after digestion it transfers to other parts of the body.

The cells are found in the innermost lining of the abdomen is a place where gastric cancer usually begins.  If you or a loved one suffered from cancer after taking medication for acid reflux and want to file a case against manufactures then you can click over here.

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It might even extend to the outer layer and into nearby organs, including the intestines, pancreas and liver. There are regular care of patients with this disease. They have the freedom to choose whatever type of therapy they need.

Similar to other kinds of cancer, research has yet to establish the reasons for stomach cancer. Risk elements are known, however:

1. Location – If you live in Japan, Eastern Europe and South America, China, and Central and South America, you might be carrying the disease. But, if you live somewhere in South Central Asia, West and North Africa, and North America, your risk of getting this disease is reduced.

2. Aging – Individuals age 51 and up are much more susceptible to diseases. Individuals with stomach cancer are identified between the age of 60 and 80.

3. Obesity – Obese people tend to have a cardia cancer. However, there is no evidence to assist this case.