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Get The Facts: Zantac Lawsuits And Settlement Updates

The popular stomach acid drug Zantac is being examined for cancer risk by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and after tests, it showed that a home remedy for stomach acid contained cancer-causing chemicals. FDA testing of Zantac 150 pills shows the carcinogenic chemical N-nitrosodimethylamine or NDMA can be discovered in versions of the drug and generics in excessive daily intake amounts when tested according to FDA-recommended protocols.

Up-to-date information on Zantac research and withdrawals:

The Zantac lawsuit from alleging that drugmakers Sanofi and Boehringer Ingelheim made and sold a product and they knew that this medication is contaminated with NDMA, was filed the same day the Food and Drug Administration first launched its Announcement of Your Consultation.

Who Can File a Zantac Lawsuit? | Ranitidine Cancer Lawsuit | Pintas &  Mullins Law Firm

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Voluntary foreclosures were also enforced, resulting in the removal of Zantac from most pharmacies such as Walmart, CVS, and Walgreens. Although the exact cause of NDMA infection is still being examined, the relationship between Zantac and NDMA has been scientifically proven since the 1980s. When ranitidine, the active component in Zantac, comes into touch with water, a chemical effect leads to the development of this molecule.

In the trial of Sanofi and Boehringer Ingelheim, it was alleged that pharmaceutical companies chose to hide this information from governments and consumers. The lawsuit against Zantac also claims that this lack of information suggests that many people develop cancer or are at risk of developing cancer.