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Goodbye To Skin Wrinkles With Botox Treatment In Singapore!

Botox treatments are usually performed worldwide as part of a counter-maturation system. In fact, Botox is a trademark and the full name of Botox is Poison Botulinum Type A. In fact it is a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum.

What is botox?

Botox is a very strong substance and the ability to weaken the muscles it comes into contact with. This is also why it can break down any of these developing lines and wrinkles. This will greatly stop or reduce the tightening of the muscles under the skin, which will make the lines and wrinkles disappear.

Botox treatment leads to the formation of facial muscles, which should look blurry. Therefore, limited or absent muscle development indicates that the skin carried by the deformed muscle is no longer wrinkled due to reliable compression of the articulations. 

Limited muscle tightening indicates that lines and wrinkles have stopped framing. The loss of muscle movement caused by Botox treatment is further reversible, indicating that the effects of the treatment can last for about 4 to half a year. 

When this time is over, the muscles begin to contract and wrinkles and barely noticeable differences appear again. Most likely, botox treatment is a great anti-aging strategy that removes wrinkles and other facial lines.