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How Dependent Is Your Company On Austin Professional Business IT Support

Computers Are An Essential Part Of Business

For example, virtually all communications are now conducted with the use of computers – email, teleconferencing, telephones that are now computers running on our network, mobile phones and the internet. Computers are used in virtually every business process – taking orders, processing orders, design, production, despatch, invoicing, credit control, maintenance management, etc. And this makes professional IT support in Austin and an essential part of every business.

Few businesses can operate if their computers are offline. In fact, today doing business with other companies is generally only possible if you are part of the same computerised digital world like them. The mix of IT spending has changed as well. Hardware costs have fallen as a proportion of total IT expenditure. But the Business IT Support – the IT service – has grown faster than the computers have fallen in price.


Cloud Computing Is The Next Big Innovation to Impact Business IT Support

Just when we all thought computer technology was eventually maturing and the level of innovation was slowing down – along comes Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing is a generic term that means that your applications and your data may sit in a different location and that you access them using any device via the internet no matter where you are.

Cloud Computing generally uses a different payment model. Instead of paying upfront for applications and servers, you pay a monthly usage fee.  Of course, the Cloud Computing marketing hype promises to cut your IT costs. Based on past experience I'm sceptical.