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How To Derive The Best Test Automation Tools

There is no debate about whether testing automation is essential for an organization. There is a growing demand for a faster time to market and the consequent continuous delivery strategy for software development has led to the need for software test automatize.

The issue that is now up to be debated is what software best meets the requirements of a company. Which platform, product, or framework is compatible when used with an application that is under testing (AUT) and is able to easily be integrated with the development and delivery lifecycle of the business? 

Selenium is one of the main contenders in this debate because of the following reasons:

1. Multi-browser and support for multi-OS

Selenium is the best and most flexible testing automation tool that works with web browsers. It works with nearly all the web browsers, which include Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari. It is the only tool that provides this flexibility in testing across browsers.

2. Open source

Selenium is a highly active contributor group, and this gives strength to the tool. It is reviewed, upgraded, and scrutinized by other users, open-source software can be a fertile ground for new ideas. One of the major reasons that make above QTP as well as any other tool for testing is the cost. 

3. Language Agnostic

The development and use of Selenium test automation tools will not need your team to quit everything and begin learning a brand completely new language of programming. C#Java, Python, Ruby, Groovy, Perl, PHP, JavaScript, VB Script, and many other languages are able to be used together with Selenium.