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Human Tissue Drug Testing: Which Types Of Tests Can Be Done?

Human tissue drug testing is the use of human tissue, such as blood or saliva, to detect the presence of drugs.

There are many different types of human tissue drug testing, but here are a few of the most common:

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Urine drug test: This is the most common type of drug test. Urine tests look for drugs that have been excreted in the urine. This test can be done by a doctor, law enforcement, or employer.

Hair drug test: A hair drug test looks for drugs that have been absorbed through the scalp and deposited in the hair. This test is most often used to detect drugs taken by mouth (such as marijuana).

Blood drug test: A blood drug test looks for drugs that have been absorbed through the skin and entered the bloodstream. This is the most accurate type of drug test and is used to detect drugs taken by injection (such as cocaine).

Why is it important to do testing on small mammals?

There are a few main reasons why it is important to do testing on small mammals.

First, these tests can help in the early detection of diseases in humans.

Second, these tests can help in the development of new drugs and treatments.

Finally, this type of testing can help to identify potential safety issues with medications.