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Is An Uncontested Divorce in Ontario Right For You?

Due to the many emotions that can be experienced during this difficult time, divorce is not something you want to go through. It can be even more difficult when it comes to dividing marital assets. You can file an uncontested divorce in Ontario if you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse can agree on who gets what. This makes the whole process easier.

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In Ontario, uncontested divorce is possible for married couples who decide to divorce. This allows the couple to decide, without the need for court intervention, which assets they want. If there are no children involved, this is often the easiest. However, it can be difficult if there are. Once all arrangements are made, the court can file for divorce. The divorce process is usually much faster because all assets have been divided.

If there is a dispute over who gets what, you should not get an uncontested divorcement. You must get your fair share of marital assets. The court system can help. If you do not agree to the agreement made between you and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse, an uncontested divorce is not for you. If it is not beneficial for you both, your soon-to-be ex-spouse should not try to bully or force you into an uncontested separation.

In Ontario, after you have decided if you want an uncontested divorce, it is worth looking into the laws of the state in which you live. Divorce is an emotionally draining process. However, the quicker a divorce is finalized, the more you can live your life. An uncontested divorce is the fastest and easiest way to get divorced. This is only possible if the parties can agree on how to divide the marital assets.