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Know About Multi-User Password Manager

A multi-user password manager is an effective tool for your business that allows easy access to the accounts of the company with the account’s entire password stored in the database of the multi-user password manager.

This is the most effective way of password management in an organization that allows your company's employees to log into the company's account much more quickly with almost no effort. The multi-user password manager has the following functions.  You can check this out to know about the password manager.

  • Multi-user password database
  • Access to all company accounts with one password
  • Access to the database password with administrator privileges
  • Access to the password database with user rights
  • Automatic entry account without knowing the password account
  • No need to type the login and password
  • No need to remember passwords

Image result for password security software

Image Source: Google

This allows you to implement password management strategies in your company infrastructure while maintaining the maximum security of your account.

How it works

An administrator creates a password database that stores information about all company accounts, including login and password. Now administrators can create a multi-user account that allows multiple users to access the password database.

To enable your employees to access all company accounts without having to remember and type a password, they slip a multi-user password and see how much faster your business will run!

With a multi-user password, you do not need to change any of your account passwords so often to keep it safe. You only need to change one multi-user password that gives access to the password database.