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Mommy Makeover- Rejuvenation Of The Body After The Birth Of A Child

It's no secret that pregnancy can wreak havoc on a woman's body, especially in the form of a sagging belly, excess skin, stretch marks, and sagging breasts.

Some women get back into their pre-baby shape with a little bit of practice, but others have had less luck and are constantly struggling to get their bodies back and put those skinny jeans back on.

Unfortunately, getting rid of the unwanted physical consequences of childbirth and restoring the body to the way it was before pregnancy is not always easy. You can also look for a mom makeover surgery in Dallas online.

What Treatments Are Included in a Mommy Makeover? - Artesia Plastic Surgery Williamsville, NY

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What is a Mommy Makeover?

Mommy Makeover is a surgical package consisting of various cosmetic and plastic procedures specially designed to rejuvenate the body parts after pregnancy and restore new mothers to their pre-pregnancy shape.

Below are some of the most common procedures that new mothers often choose to get their bodies back into shape after pregnancy.

Breast Lift: This surgery is performed to tighten sagging breasts. Periareolar Lifting, Circumaural Lifting, Vertical Lifting, and Wise Mastopexy are breast lift surgical techniques that surgeons can choose to help you get the best results.

Tummy Tuck: More commonly known as a tummy tuck, this helps new moms get a flatter and firmer tummy after pregnancy. This type of surgery also removes stretch marks below the belly button.

Liposuction: This surgery is useful for women who accumulate unwanted fat in the thighs, upper thighs, lower back, chest, armpits, and abdomen after childbirth.

Facelift: Sleepless nights and parental stress can affect the look of your face. Facial lift surgery can reduce lines and wrinkles around the eyes and forehead.