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Skills Assessment: Is It The New Interview?

As the interview process becomes more and more tech-centric, companies are discovering that not everyone can pass the interviewer’s technology-related questions. 

If you said “technology”, I am sure that you are correct. As technology becomes a more and more integral part of our daily lives, many people have found themselves working in tech-related fields! The computer literacy test can help find those candidates who truly do have the skills needed to fill a job description. Companies also take skill assessment for software engineer before hiring them.

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As the interview process becomes more and more tech-centric, companies are discovering that not everyone can pass the interviewer’s technology-related questions. As a remedy, they have been turning to an assessment to help them find who really has the skills they need for their company! Do you know what is the most important skill for new hires?

If you said “technology”, I am sure that you are correct! As technology becomes a more and more integral part of our daily lives, many people have found themselves working in tech-related fields! The computer literacy test can help find those candidates who truly do have the skills needed to fill a job description.

In the ever-changing world of HR, it's important for companies to assess their skills needs on a regular basis. In order to keep up with the competition, you need to be able to identify and assess new skill gaps as they crop up in your workforce. And that means doing skill assessments! Here are some tips on how to go about doing a successful skills assessment: