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Skylights and roof windows – a Brief History Roof Lanterns

A roof lantern in its standard form is basically a light glass and wood roof, very much like a miniature conservatoire roof, which is inserted, usually to the flat roof area, in order to introduce light into the lower regions.

It is also possible to consolidate a lantern rooftop to rooftop, and there are other areas where the roof lantern can work well if the design and insertion are done properly. You can navigate to online resources and find out more information about Velux Skylights & Roof Windows Suppliers in Perth, WA .

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Roof lanterns were first used in the Georgian era when the first orangeries and conservatories were being built. Lantern roof lets light into the property ladder and into other areas of the house, is an important consideration when without electricity or gas lamp, candle power is the only one available and the interior lighting can be dimmed and dark even on sunny days.

At the moment the glass is still made by hand and thus expensive, so initially, the architect should reserve the use of the roof of the lantern when designing a good town and country homes for wealthy clients.

It is, unfortunately, true that many of the fine and imposing structures that are prone to leak, due to the limitations of contemporary construction and sealing materials. Moreover, the glass means that they allow heat to escape, so the area under them could be inconvenient or expensive to heat during the winter.

Ventilation is also sometimes required in these early lantern roofs and this can only be given by the user opening through the piston rod to change the mechanism of the windows that are open or closed.