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The Importance of Breakfast For Children in Saratoga Springs

In Saratoga Springs, it's common to hear that breakfast is the most important meal. But do you understand why it is so important for children? You could be setting your child up for trouble if you allow them to skip breakfast.

Did you know?

  • Children who eat breakfast do better in standardized tests
  • Breakfast is a good choice for children with behavioral problems.
  • Math grades of children who eat breakfast are higher than those who don't.
  • Breakfast helps children improve attendance and punctuality
  • Students can improve their performance in mental tasks by eating breakfast. To learn more about eating a healthy breakfast you can navigate to this website.

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It is also important to understand what happens if your child skips breakfast. Children who skip breakfast will burn fewer calories during the day. They are more likely to make errors and retain less information. They might be more active and have lower math scores.

Children who skip breakfast are more likely to be late or absent from school. Parents must ensure that their children have a healthy start to each day by providing a nutritious, delicious breakfast. Students in public schools across the country must have a healthy breakfast each morning.

You can arrange for your child to receive a nutritious breakfast from school if you are unable or unwilling to cook. If your child is not enrolled in public school, try to provide a healthy breakfast every day, even during the summer months.

Many children don't eat breakfast, or they don't know where to find healthy options. In Saratoga Springs, parents must ensure that their children eat healthy breakfasts every day.