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Various Types of Health Insurance

Travel nurses are health care professionals who provide treatment and advice to their patients. A travel nursing career can truly help them grow professionally and personally. There are many agencies that provide these professionals additional perks like insurance, a healthcare plan, and travel reimbursement plans. 

Such companies provide affordable health insurance options for travel nurses which enables them to avail benefits in adverse conditions.

Let's have a look at the different types of health insurance policies:

  • Individual Health Insurance

    This is the most popular health insurance policy available. It takes care of every possible medical expense that the policyholder might incur in the event of a hospitalization. Some of its features are-

    • The minimum age for buying individual insurance is eighteen and the maximum age can be anything between sixty and eighty.

    • It can be renewed all through the individual's life

    • Pre and post hospitalization coverage is offered

    • Includes hospitalization cost, surgery expenses, medical tests 

The family health insurance

Along with yourself, it is imperative to ensure that health insurance coverage extends to your whole family as well, so that you can be assured of their good health and well-being. Family health insurance plans can provide adequate coverage in case any person belonging to your immediate family comes across a medical emergency.

All these factors suggest that every member of your family requires health insurance coverage as much as you do, and therefore you must ensure that your parents, children, and spouse come under an insurance plan.