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What Are The Different Types Of Salvage Yards?

A salvage yard is a place where vehicles, appliances, and other items are recycled or salvaged. Salvage yards can be found in all types of counties, but they are most common in large cities. Salvage yards collect items that have been damaged or defective and sell them to companies that repair or reuse them. 

RV salvage yards are also popular places to find cars that have been damaged in accidents. A car may be salvaged if it has significant damage but is still driveable. It may also be salvaged if it has minor damage and the owner wants to fix it up before selling it. 

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Salvage yards often have a lot of different kinds of vehicles, appliances, and other items for sale. You can find everything from cars to computers to furniture at a salvage yard. 

There are thre types of salvage yards: junkyards,  uto salvage yards and motorcycle salvage yards. 

Junkyards are the most common type of salvage yard. They take old cars, trucks, and other vehicles that have broken down or been wrecked and recycle them into new cars. 

Motorcycle salvage yards deal with motorcycles that have been damaged in accidents or have problems that cannot be fixed.

Auto salvage yards deal with cars that have been damaged in accidents. They may be able to fix the car or sell it as is.