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What is a Mechanical Roof Curb

Basics of Roof Accessories: What is a roof curb?

The mechanical curb roof is raised metal frame designed for mounting structures safely to your roof. Frames are used for accessories that are mounted on the roof and those that penetrate the surface of the roof. You can get the best mechanical roof curb via 

The sidewalk roof installed correctly ensures that accessories have a platform level for attachments. They can also be wrapped in a flash to prevent unwanted water damage from seepage through the roof membrane.

What Are Some Uses for Rooftop Curbs?

General applications are:


Hatches provide a means of accessing the roof. Which integrate with roof curbs, rooftop walkway system, and various OSHA-compliant ladders.

Skylights & smoke ventilation

Roof curbs offer skylights, smoke ventilation,  and combination assemblies that let both lights in and harmful gases out. Regardless of the model, a roof curb is used to mount the assembly so that it sits securely and the hole through the roof is protected.

The fan 

The roof ventilator assembly needs to push air from the channel inside the building through your roof membrane into the open air. To install a fan up and down, the sidewalk hat is welded right with the right-sized roof sidewalk.

HVAC unit

The condensation unit for the HVAC system needs to sit on the roof on a safe and level platform. Roof curbs are the foundation of condensing support units that provide a stable base to secure your equipment and protect your investment.