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What is Virtual Conferencing?

Long gone is the time where expensive equipment and software put limitations on who can hold video conference meetings. With so many choices available virtual conference, is becoming a necessity for any business.

The following terms will allow you to become more familiar with the virtual conference room, so that when the time comes for you to make a decision on the conference provider, your decision will be easier.

A "Webinar", also called "Web-based seminars" are used to provide workshops, seminars or lectures to large groups of people via the internet. Webinars can be used for educational purposes, sales and marketing, and even training. Usually there is one presenter deliver a message to the audience, with a limited audience participation. Viewers can be invited to participate in a poll or survey, or ask questions.

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Such as webinars, a "Webcast" directed at a large audience and are used for educational purposes, sales and marketing and training. Used mainly for announcements or broadcasting of live events, webcasts typically much less than the interactive environment of the Webinar.

Also known as "web meetings" or "online meeting", a "Web Conference" is essentially a meeting held online. Most web conferencing applications allow you to share documents such as PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, Excel documents and multimedia files and slideshows.