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What You Need to Know About AC Repair

There are some things you need to know before you attempt to repair your air conditioner in your house or office. Many people attempt to repair their air conditioners themselves when it breaks down or become defective. 

Although it is possible to perform basic air conditioner maintenance once you have a good understanding of the principles, HVAC repair (heating and ventilation) should be left to professionals. If you want to find a service of ac repair and installation visit

Australian HVAC market to top $3 billion - Climate Control News

The basic physics of an air conditioner for a home or office is simple. It consists of two separate units: the condenser (or evaporator). The condenser uses Freon gas to create pressure. It then passes through a heat exchanger that removes heat from the gas and converts it into a liquid. The liquid Freon is then passed through an extension valve into the evaporator. It expands and becomes a gas. 

The environment provides the heat necessary for this process. After cooling, the cooled air is blown into the room. The higher temperature of the room causes the gas to heat. It then goes back into the condenser, where it is heated again.

The condenser and evaporator are sealed units. You cannot repair them yourself. A trained professional will do it for you. You can clean the condenser and condenser and keep all mesh guards, etc. clear of any debris. Simple air conditioner repairs can be done by you, but not HVAC. These are basic tips for air conditioner troubleshooting, repair, and maintenance.

1. The system does not run.

Make sure you check the circuit breakers and fuses. If the fuses or circuit breakers are in good condition, then make sure that the thermostat setting is not too high. If that fails, you can lower the thermostat by 5 degrees.

2. No cooling.

You can also check the thermostat to see if it is low enough. If this doesn't work, check the condenser intake. If there are many leaves around, it might become blocked in the fall. Make sure the fan's fins are straightened. If the fan doesn't work, call a professional engineer.