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A Guide To Age-Friendly Home Improvements

As people age, their needs change. Home renovation projects can help seniors live comfortably and securely in their homes. Making age-friendly renovations can improve a home’s functionality, accessibility, and safety.

Identify Your Needs

Before starting any renovation project, it's important to assess your needs. Do you need more room for medical equipment? Are there stairs that you find difficult to navigate? Do you need more accessible storage space? Identifying your needs can help you determine which renovations are most important. we design, build and renovate residences for accessible life. 

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Choose the Right Materials

When selecting materials for renovations, look for products that are durable, slip-resistant, and non-toxic. Make sure to select materials that are easy to maintain and clean. Choose materials that are free of allergens and irritants, such as formaldehyde.

Consider Universal Design

Universal design is a concept that focuses on creating accessible and usable spaces for all people, regardless of age or ability. Universal design principles can be applied to any renovation project. Consider features such as ramps, lever handles, and accessible fixtures.

Install Safety Features

Safety should be a top priority when renovating a home for seniors. Install safety features such as grab bars, slip-resistant flooring, and motion sensor lights. You might also consider installing a medical alert system or a security system.