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Basic Principles of Aseptic Technique

Aseptic techniques are a set of practices and procedures used to prevent the spread of infection in a medical setting. These techniques are used to protect both the patient and healthcare workers from the spread of infection and are essential in surgical and medical procedures. 

The basic principles of aseptic technique include handwashing, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and careful handling of medical equipment. Handwashing is the most important principle, as it removes dirt, bacteria, and other microorganisms from the hands and can prevent them from being transferred to a patient. PPE such as gloves, masks, and gowns help reduce the risk of contamination. Careful handling of medical instruments is also essential, as improper handling can lead to cross-contamination and the spread of infection.


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Sterilization and disinfection are two important components of aseptic technique. Sterilization involves the use of high-temperature steam or chemical solutions, such as hydrogen peroxide, to kill microorganisms. Disinfection is the process of using chemical solutions to reduce the number of microorganisms on a surface or object. Both sterilization and disinfection are important elements of aseptic technique and help reduce the risk of infection in a medical setting. 

Aseptic technique is used in medical procedures to reduce the risk of infection. Before a procedure, the patient’s skin is typically cleaned with an antiseptic solution to reduce the risk of infection. During the procedure, sterile instruments and PPE are used to reduce the risk of cross-contamination. After the procedure, the instruments are disinfected or sterilized and the patient’s skin is cleaned again with an antiseptic solution.