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Get Ready for a Competitive Washer Game Set

Washer game sets are popular outdoor game played by two teams. It is a fun and competitive game that can be enjoyed by family and friends. The game is played with a washer game set, which consists of two boxes, four washers, and two sets of washers. It is a great way to spend time outdoors and have some competitive fun.

The Object of the Game

The object of the game is to be the first team to score 21 points. Points are earned when a player successfully throws a washer into the opposing team’s box. A player earns 3 points if the washer lands in the box, and 1 point if the washer lands on the ground outside the box but within the playing area. If you want to purchase a washer game set you may browse this website.

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Rules of the Game

Each team will have two boxes that are placed at least 20 feet apart from each other. Each team will also have four washers which are placed in a designated area between the two boxes.

Players will take turns throwing the washers at the opposing team’s box. The player can throw from any angle they choose, but they must stay behind the designated throwing line.

If a washer lands in the box, the team will be awarded 3 points. If the washer lands outside of the box but still within the playing area, the team will be awarded 1 point.

If a washer lands outside the playing area, the washer will be returned to the designated area and the player will take their turn again.

Players can also block their opponent’s throws by catching the washer in the air. If a player successfully catches the washer, they will be awarded 3 points.