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How Do Vitamins Help You Stay Healthy?

Vitamin benefits for women include preventing chronic diseases, boosting energy levels, and enhancing fertility. You can also navigate to to buy the supplements from the best supplement store.

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Here are the top five vitamins you need to keep your body running optimally: 

1) Vitamin A: This vitamin is essential for healthy eyesight and can help prevent cancer. It also helps promote strong immune system function and regulates hormones. 

2) Vitamin C: This nutrient is important for collagen production, which maintains healthy skin, teeth, gums, and nails. It can also reduce the risk of colds and flu, and lower inflammation levels. 

3) Vitamin D: Improving your vitamin D levels can lower your risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. You can get this nutrient from sunlight or by taking a vitamin D supplement. 

4) Vitamin K: This nutrient supports blood clotting and prevents bone loss. It’s important for pregnant women to take this vitamin because it helps prevent birth defects in their children. 

5) Vitamin B12: This essential vitamin is important for mood regulation, energy production, nerve health, and DNA synthesis. It can be found in animal products such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, and legumes.

Foods with Selenium

Selenium is one of the few minerals that can be found in both plant and animal-based foods. Selenium is important for the production of thyroid hormones, which help regulate metabolism. It also helps to maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails.