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Making the Most of Alcohol Hand Sanitizers

Alcohol hand sanitizers have been used since the mid-1990s. Starting with the food industry they have trickled down to being cleanroom supplies and for use in pharmaceutical applications. Furthermore, a large number of businesses in most sectors utilize generous products to protect their employees and cleanroom equipment alike.

However, just because you have used the sanitizer that does not mean that you are completely free from germs. Alcohol sanitizers, available as hand rubs, gels or rinse sanitizers, foams, atomizing sprays, etc are disinfectants comprising at least 60 per cent alcohol.

Although washing your hands with warm water and soap remove dirt and reduce germs on your hands, alcohol sanitizers can serve as an additional agent to kill germs more or when it is not possible to wash your hands with soap and water. You can buy alcohol gel hand sanitizer at

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers alcohol hand cleanser as an acceptable alternative to soap and water for hand hygiene. In starting the medical and health care industry in the United States lagged behind in implementing the program of washing hands using alcohol hand cleaner, for the most part, due to the fear that it may lead to a fall in handwashing compliance, increasing the risk of nosocomial infections.

But then, evidence from Europe and Japan shows that including these sanitizers really helped the cause, then that alcohol became a regular sanitizer for use in cleanrooms by cleanroom staff as well as companies engaged in the cleanroom services